Germanium sulfide


Symbol: GeS

CAS : 12025-32-0

Germanium sulfide

Product Information

Germanium Sulfide (GeS) is an inorganic compound and a semiconductor with high thermal and electrical conductivity. It is a direct bandgap semiconductor with a bandgap of 2.1 eV. It has a variety of applications such as photovoltaics, optoelectronics, and radiation sensing.

Germanium Sulfide (GeS) Evaporation Material is a high-grade product for use in the evaporation of thin films. This material is produced through a complex manufacturing process, forming ultra-dense pellets that are used in thermal evaporation sources, such as electron and ion beam guns. The pellets are designed to maximize the vapor pressure out of the source, ensuring a consistent, high-quality evaporation.

Germanium Sulfide (GeS) Evaporation Material comes in a variety of sizes, ranging from pellets, to pieces, to chips. This material can also be customized with a variety of surface finishes, depending on the application. Popular finishes include polished and etched, as well as textured. Germanium Sulfide (GeS) evaporation material is available in a variety of sizes, shapes, and appearances.One of the technical routes for solid-state batteries uses germanium sulfide as the electrolyte, which has a promising future.



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